Let's redefine success and life,
be successful and happy

Your starting point and your goals

No matter what you're experiencing right now, I want you to get the best,
lasting results in the shortest time possible.


No matter what you're experiencing right now, I want you to get the best, lasting results in the shortest time possible.


A beautiful and healthy life after a strong wake-up call such as illness, death, accident, divorce or job loss

Are you in a similar situation?
  • Have you received a diagnosis or experienced an accident, did your life come to a halt as a result, or have you been suffering from anxiety ever since?
  • Have you lost a loved one and can’t find emotional support now? Are you lost in the big vacuum this person left behind? Do you want to make space for the grief and find a way that the beautiful memories no longer hurt?
  • Or have you suffered a miscarriage, said goodbye to your parents? Are you now overwhelmed because society expects you to just function as if nothing happened?
  • Have you imagined life as a mother or parent to be quite different? Do you feel insecure and pressured in your new role? Do you or your child possibly have a birth trauma?
  • Are you suddenly lost in shambles after a separation or divorce? Do you want to start anew with hope and confidence?
  • Do you want to find a good level of communication with your ex-partner so that your children are free from emotional burden?
  • Are you at a point where you need to rethink your life and life model? Has your livelihood disappeared due to separation, job loss or company bankruptcy, for example? Or your dream of children and family has not realized?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if you....

… gain confidence in life, feel carried by life instead of left alone?

… unexpectedly and wholeheartedly laugh out loud?

… at some point are suddenly deeply grateful that you are alive?

… consider every day worth living, no matter what your circumstances are at the moment?

… suddenly experience health and joy of life because you are no longer fighting for it?

… suddenly pull into your life what you just let go?


Are you wondering how we get there?

From mere functioning in everyday life into a powerful life full of energy. From a hamster wheel existence into a self-determined life

Do you feel the same way?
  • Are you longing from weekend to weekend and vacation to vacation?
  • Do your batteries feel empty and are you only a shadow of your self in terms of energy?
  • Is your body signalling you louder and louder to change something?
  • Are similar patterns and situations repeating in your life? And you don’t know why?
  • Is everything and everyone increasingly tugging at you? Job, children, parents? Left by systems that are no longer working the way they should.
  • Is there little room for real quality time with your child in everyday life? Is it difficult to communicate on a more meaningful level and to find out what is really going on in each other’s lives?
  • Is the wheel of change turning faster and faster and do you no longer know how to keep up with everything? Is your dissatisfaction growing, including your dissatisfaction with yourself?
  • Is your job or your employer no longer compatible with your values? Is the burden and work distributed on fewer and fewer shoulders?
Do you feel the same way?
  • Are you longing from weekend to weekend and vacation to vacation?
  • Do your batteries feel empty and are you only a shadow of your self in terms of energy?
  • Is your body signalling you louder and louder to change something?
  • Are similar patterns and situations repeating in your life? And you don’t know why?
  • Is everything and everyone increasingly tugging at you? Job, children, parents? Left by systems that are no longer working the way they should.
  • Is there little room for real quality time with your child in everyday life? Is it difficult to communicate on a more meaningful level and to find out what is really going on in each other’s lives?
  • Is the wheel of change turning faster and faster and do you no longer know how to keep up with everything? Is your dissatisfaction growing, including your dissatisfaction with yourself?
  • Is your job or your employer no longer compatible with your values? Is the burden and work distributed on fewer and fewer shoulders?
Wouldn't it be life-changing if you...

… once in a while forget time and enjoy yourself without a to-do-list breathing down your neck?

… gain clarity for your life and realize it in a self-determined way?

… make the right decision, from your heart, and implement it courageously with full conviction?

… change your perspective on your life so that it feels lighter and more alive?

… fell asleep every night grateful and fulfilled, get up every morning with joy and a thirst for action?


Are you wondering how we realise this?

From a good life to a great life.
Because your life wants to be lived fully

Can you find yourself here?
  • Have you achieved everything you ever wanted in your private and professional life? And yet the feeling is here: that can’t be all. There’s more to it than that.
  • Do you live a good life and objectively there is nothing missing, yet inside you feel somehow empty, unhappy, dissatisfied? You do not dare to complain and ask yourself what is wrong with you?
  • You’re a wonderful person, and yet the right partner is just not coming around the corner?
  • Are you facing a new phase in your life and want to go forward with clarity, purpose and an exciting vision?
Wouldn't it be a huge gift if you....

… feel complete? When suddenly what you have been striving for for so many years becomes reality when you least expect it, when you have let go not only with your mind but with your whole being?

… dance with life: courageously with all its ups and downs, full of trust with everything life wants to gift you?

… find your true purpose, live your full potential and make a fulfilling contribution to this world?

… thrive in your genius zone?

… believe in your wildest and biggest dreams to make them come true?

… live a life without limits?

… celebrate yourself and your magnificent life every day?


Are you wondering how we realise this?

"Letting your light shine is the
highest form of courage." Brené Brown

Success stories & testimonials

Es fällt mir schwer in Worte zu fassen, wie dankbar ich für das professionelle, kompetente und empathische Coaching von Anja bin, das ich erfahren durfte. Die Coachingsitzungen waren für mich eine Reise der Selbsterkenntnis und persönlichen Entwicklung. Die Fachkenntnisse und Erfahrung von Anja haben mir geholfen, klare Ziele zu definieren und konkrete Schritte zu unternehmen, um sie zu erreichen. Die Fähigkeit, meine Gedanken und Emotionen zu verstehen und darauf einzugehen, hat eine unterstützende und vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre geschaffen. Diese Atmosphäre hat es mir ermöglicht, mich zu öffnen und tiefer in meine eigenen Bedürfnisse und Potenziale einzutauchen.

Selbständige Unternehmerin


Sobald ein paar Sachen zusammen gekommen sind, habe ich mich überfordert gefühlt. Dann habe ich innerlich blockiert und sofort den Kopf in den Sand gesteckt. Nach den Coaching Tagen mit dir hat sich das komplett verändert: es hat sich ein riesiger Raum voller Möglichkeiten geöffnet. Dieser inspiriert mich jetzt statt mir Angst zu machen. Ich habe auch keine Angst mehr vor Misserfolg oder zu versagen. Erst jetzt habe ich realisiert, wie sehr dieses alte Muster meine persönliche Entwicklung und das Wachstum meiner Firma blockiert hat.

Selbständige Unternehmerin


Hi Anja, what a shift, which is now completely changing my approach to life. It started with the doctor telling me he has bad news: cancer! From that day on, I started to fight this hostile „intruder” into my body and life. I was afraid of dying and of not seeing my boys growing up! I will forever remember this one key session with you where we spoke to the cancer: I realized that I had invited him and that he was there to teach me a fundamental life lesson. I have incorporated the lesson now and made the necessary and healing changes! Now, I’m full of gratitude and trust for life. And I am looking forward to my life, which I could have never imaged when we met.

Entrepreneur & Single Father
