Align your heart and mind
to live your dreams

Life & Business Coaching

Discover the uniqueness in you

Personal mentoring & workshops
for female leaders & other courageous people
to clarity, prosperity and power to succeed.


Discover the uniqueness in you

Personal mentoring & workshops for female leaders & other courageous people to clarity, prosperity and power to succeed.


Align your heart and mind to be successful

What is success?

What does this word, which we use every day in many different ways, mean to you personally? What needs to happen for you to consider your life happy, successful and fulfilled?


Success is reflected in how the world reacts to your actions. Everybody has his or her own definition of success. It is essential to develop a very clear idea of what your own success should entail and to align yourself with it.


Together we’ll discover what you want to achieve. We clarify what success means to you, so it can be realised in a manner that suits your needs. Our main goal is for you to live your life without old limitations and experience yourself boundlessly alive.


Align your heart and mind
with the river of change

Are you ready to jump into the river of change with courage and determination?
ALIVE UNLIMITED is designed to support you every step of the way.
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You can live a beautiful and healthy life after a strong wake-up call such as illness, death, accident, divorce or job loss.

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You can achieve a powerful life full of energy after merely functioning in everyday life.


You can transform your life to its full potential when you align with your heart and mind.

Everything is possible -
my technique

Alles ist möglich

To really make everything possible, we need to address the physical, emotional and mental areas of your life.


As intuitive life coach, I have supported people from all over the world to discover and realize their true goals and dreams.


With your heart and mind in alignment, we co-create a new design for your life, to enable your true essence to shine.

Everything is possible -
my technique

Alles ist möglich

To really make everything possible, we need to address the physical, emotional and mental areas of your life.


As intuitive life coach, I have supported people from all over the world to discover and realize their true goals and dreams.


With your heart and mind in alignment, we co-create a new design for your life, to enable your true essence to shine.

My personal journey


I had the privilege and ability to follow my own personal path with loving and competent support. Because of this, I was able to transform my life from a stressful high power business life to a life full of ease, joy and purpose. Today, I consciously create my life, managing challenges with grace.


As a successful career woman, I worked as investment banker in London and Munich. I was career and performance oriented. I also sought challenges in my spare time in mountain sports and as a backpacker. The fatal accident of my life partner turned my life upside down. I became paralysed with fear and hopelessness. I didn’t know who I was anymore. For many years, I struggled to function. It was difficult to feel any kind of trust and purpose in life. It wasn’t until I got the support I needed that I was able to find my way back to a sense of self and purpose. Accessing a proper support system and acquiring a new set of skills enabled me to redesign a life full of energy and joy. I now live as independent investment banker, corporate trainer and life coach. I am also married with two young beautiful daughters.


My dedication to challenges and growth has remained, but my perspective has changed. Through awareness and in keeping my heart and mind aligned, I no longer pressure myself. Instead I am motivated to do what I really want to do. More often than not, I feel an infinite aliveness and inspiration to share with everyone I meet. ALIVE UNLIMITED.

How I work with my clients

No matter what you're experiencing right now, I want you to get the best, lasting results in the shortest time possible. And it all starts with getting to know each other...


... to see if we are
a good fit.


... to find out how we
can best work together.


... to reach your goals,
step by step.

Every success starts with a decision.

Alive Unlimited

For Individuals

Align your heart and mind
for a life without limits


For women who want to connect and thrive together in solidarity, cooperation and belonging.


For men who long to enrich their lives with new impulses and find strength in community.


For children to discover their world with innocent curiosity, find their own way, feel really comfortable in their skin and be strong together. I work with children on a donation basis.


For Lech visitors who want to experience their ideal life and take it home with them.

For Companies

Change is more than numbers


For my corporate clients, I add value as investment banker, corporate trainer and business coach.

For Individuals

Align your heart and mind for a life without limits

woman Women

For women who want to connect and thrive together in solidarity, cooperation and belonging.

young-man Men

For men who long to enrich their lives with new impulses and find strength in community.

children Children

For children to discover their world with innocent curiosity, find their own way, feel really comfortable in their skin and be strong together. I work with children on a donation basis.

ski Lech Visitors

For Lech visitors who want to experience their ideal life and take it home with them.

For Companies

Change is more than numbers

enterprise Companies

For my corporate clients, I add value as investment banker, corporate trainer and business coach.

Success stories & testimonials

Ach, Anja, ich bin so froh, dass wir uns kennen gelernt haben. Ich habe mich früher immer zwischen allen Lebensbereichen so hin und hergerissen und überall ungenügend und als Versagerin gefühlt. Seit wir gemeinsam meine Werte-Hierarchien gemacht haben, bin ich so glasklar in meinen Entscheidungen und im Prioritäten setzen. Das fühlt sich so leicht und gut an, ich bin begeistert!

Abteilungsleiterin & Mutter


Liebe Anja, ich bin heute Morgen zum ersten Mal ganz befreit aufgewacht und ich glaube das habe ich Dir und unserer Reise zu verdanken. Vielen Dank dafür! Seit langem bin ich positiv gestimmt und habe ein gutes Gefühl in mir. Am Anfang habe ich gedacht nicht schon wieder so viele Tränen und so viel Traurigkeit, denn das möchte ich wirklich hinter mir lassen. Jetzt kommt es mir beinahe so vor dass ich mich auf all das neue freue... danke noch mal für alles



Anja has accompanied me for many years in her work as a coach for acute issues both privately and professionally. I appreciate her empathy and understanding. This creates trust. Her reliably high energy and self-direction help me to gain clarity. She has an excellent sense of what you need at the moment and helps you to recognize and realize new possibilities and potentials.

International Executive
