"I love to combine my skills with my sense for people - intuitively, intelligently and effectively."

Anja LOEhning


With clarity to new perspectives and joy of life...

... and that is exactly what I have implemented in my life.

I am Anja, the founder of ALIVE UNLIMITED. I work with the 3-Phase-ALIVE-UNLIMITED-Method, which addresses a wide variety of issues and which allows me to offer each person an individual and unique journey.


My approach is designed to co-create with my clients, finding exactly those points in the conscious and subconscious mind that are already waiting to be changed.


How I created the 3-Phase-

I was forced to completely rethink my goals and particularly my personal definition of success after a severe stroke of fate and really change from within. To accomplish this, I practiced and learned a wide variety of personal development methods and techniques. From these intense experiences, from this very personal journey to a happy and fulfilled life, I created the 3-Phase-ALIVE-UNLIMITED-Method, which picks out and uses the strongest and most effective tools. I can thus pass on what has worked for me and the people close to me.


We walk towards the solution with clarity, we maneuver the thinking mind without detours to the rootcause of the problem, we use the power of the whole body, the subconscious, the mind and especially the heart. Bringing the heart into coherence is the most powerful way to act authentically in the outside world, especially for leaders and other brave souls. My method can uncover potentials that lead to impressive life changes.


There are so many paths to happiness. If the connection between heart and mind is strong in everyday life, you move effortlessly and completely out of yourself towards realising your personal wishes, dreams and goals. For an infinite joy of life. 


My experience over the past 4 years

People in diverse
life situations
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How my personal perspective developed

With courage in many different worlds

My youth and early adulthood were determined by making a career, earning money and experiencing as much as possible in a short time. I studied and worked in different countries. Mountain sports taught me humility and attitude in borderline situations. My backpacking trips across all continents led me into the unknown over and over again, and required from me to surrender to the circumstances and to always find a way forward. I saw poverty and experienced genuine gratitude. But until the day that my life partner died in an accident, success for me was achievement and performance. My world of values changed profoundly. Since then, I consciously and repeatedly ask myself the question which kind of success makes me happy in my life. Besides the bank account, I also pay attention now on the state of my very personal “fortune account” and I know that it is in my own hands and in my own power how well this account is filled.

My why and what for

Every happy person is a multiplier for his environment.

It enlivens my environment when I change my perspective and behavior in a positive way. My clients tell me the same thing from their everyday lives. When one person in a team changes their behavior, often the whole team, the whole company, does much better. The same thing happens in families and other groups. We all face the challenge of positively shaping our experience in the human community and establishing livable systems in the world. Personally, I am motivated by the thought that, with my input, our environment can evolve into a place where we can grow, develop and live happily. I have found out for myself what my contribution can be and also experience daily the satisfaction that lies in this doing.


My special support topics

Authentic Greatness &

Career &

Inner Emptiness
without Perspective

Accidents &
Wake-up Calls

My qualifications



The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the world’s largest and most recognized organization of professionally trained coaches and sets the highest standards for coach-specific training worldwide.



Certified Life Coach according to the “Gabriela Embon Coaching Method Certification Program”, Canada. Classical coaching tools are flexibly combined with subconscious methods and energy work to achieve fast, effective and sustainable transformations.



THE JOURNEY™ is a globally recognized method of physical, emotional and mental transformation by Brandon Bays and Kevin Billett. Over the past 26 years, THE JOURNEY™ has transformed the lives of millions of people in 48 countries. It uses elements from techniques such as Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), deep relaxation, and trauma therapy. The entire training, including 50 case studies, group facilitation, working with children and Enneagram Masterclasses, is an intensive weekly program over 5 years.

Journey Practitioner akkreditiert® und Life Coach

THE JOURNEY™ ist eine weltweit anerkannte Methode zur körperlichen, emotionalen und mentalen Transformation von Brandon Bays und Kevin Billett. In den letzten 26 Jahren hat THE JOURNEY™ das Leben von Millionen von Menschen in 48 Ländern verändert. Hierbei werden Elemente aus Techniken wie dem Neurolinguistischen Programmieren (NLP), der Tiefenentspannung und der Traumatherapie angewandt. Die gesamte Ausbildung, einschl. 50 Fallstudien, Gruppenleiter und Enneagramm Masterclasses, ist ein intensives wöchentliches Programm über 5 Jahre.

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The following methods might be added in my private sessions, group processes and team coachings: Deep Democracy CoResolve, a facilitation method for leaders to resolve conflicts and to address complex or emotionally charged group issues. As well as practical systemic constellations and applied kinesiology as Advanced ThetaHealing® Practitioner. Experiences from Dr Joe Dispenza advanced retreats, corporate trainings and HeartMath Institute courses flow into my daily work and being.

University Edinburg


University degree Master of Arts with Honours in International Business from the University of Edinburgh and Université Paris-Dauphine.

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation is highly respected in the global financial industry and represents knowledge, ethics, professionalism, motivation and resilience.

Let’s get to know each other if my skills and unique approach appeal to you.

Success stories & testimonials

Anja ist eine sehr nette, freundliche, herzliche, offene und liebevolle Frau, die mitten im Leben steht und weiß, wovon sie spricht. Sie ist nicht nur sehr empathisch, sondern auch wunderbar authentisch. Anja versteht es mit viel Geschick und Gespür, ihr Gegenüber darin zu begleiten, immer noch ein Stückchen tiefer zu gehen, eben weil es vielleicht unangenehm ist, aber ganz viel bringt. Ich liebe es, mit ihr zusammen zu arbeiten, weil ich mich wunderbar von ihr verstanden und bei ihr “aufgehoben” fühle. Ihre feinfühlige und verständnisvolle Art, Gefühl und Verstand mit perfekter Wortwahl zusammenzubringen, machen sie in meinen Augen zu einer außergewöhnlichen Persönlichkeit als Coach! Ich bin Anja von Herzen dankbar, dass sie mich damals so erfolgreich über 12 Monate begleitet hat.”

Ehemalige Angestellte


Die praxisorientierten Impulse und maßgeschneiderten Strategien haben mir geholfen meine persönliche Entwicklung voranzutreiben. Das Coaching hat meine Perspektiven erweitert und mir Werkzeuge an die Hand gegeben, um mit Herausforderungen auf eine positive und konstruktive Weise umzugehen. Insgesamt kann ich Anja als Coach und Wegbegleiter uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Anja hat nicht nur exzellente fachliche Kompetenzen, sondern auch eine Gabe, Menschen zu verstehen und zu motivieren. Vielen Dank für diese transformative Erfahrung!

Selbständige Unternehmerin


Ich durfte kürzlich während einer Panikattacke eine ungeplante kurzfristige Notfall-Journey bei Anja in Anspruch nehmen. Sie hat mir ohne viel zu fragen, den Raum gehalten, so dass ich mich sicher genug fühlte, mich meinen Ängsten zu stellen und sie zu fühlen. Auch beim Tod meiner Mutter hat Anja mich im Vorfeld und danach mit ihrer ruhigen, tiefgründigen und mitfühlenden Art prima begleitet. Ich kann Anja daher wärmstens empfehlen.

Kreative Unternehmerin
